Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine ● Longevity Nutrition

Alzheimer’s Disease

Here is a link to my presentation.  SENS6 Karen Kurtak

Hello all!  This is my first presentation at a major international conference.  It’s very technical but there are pieces that clarify in non-biochemical terminology .  Here I present an argument for why the primary diseases of aging are not “diseases” at all but, in fact, phenotypes.  I also discuss how the ketogenic diet alters signaling of DNA through nuclear transcription factors to stop, and sometimes reverse, the processes that ultimately lead to the primary “diseases” of aging including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s Disease.  It was a lot of information to cover in 15 minutes but it offers a rough outline of  the biochemical mechanism of action of the ketogenic diet.  This took me literally over 1000 hours of sorting through science articles and plugging in the pieces until it all began to make sense.  Along the way I found multiple journal articles that were completely wrong that led me down frustrating rabbit holes.  Grrrr!  For more extensive information please see my article that will be published in Rejuvenation Research Journal.   Ultimately, this is just one example of the amount of information we already possess that is independent of clinical trials.  Since I was limited to 2000 words in the article, I will be discussing each of these points in more detail in the coming months.

Thanks to Bill Andrews, who in his quest to cure aging or die trying, asked me a question that I couldn’t answer.  Thank you to Aubrey de Grey for your vision that has created a firm foundation of  understanding of the processes that lead to disease and aging.  Thank you to all the humans of the Earth who have dedicated time and money towards uncovering truth and knowledge through science.  Thank you to journals who don’t limit access of knowledge by creating pay walls.  Elsevier, you guys are self-serving hijackers of knowledge.  Thank you  Markdavis and mmkroll for your open access photos on Flickr. Thanks to Nick, Robyn, my parents, Doreen, Bob, Michelle, Jordan, Michelle, Cliff, Darcie, Paula, Randi, Sue, Beth and Lara who supported me through multiple meltdowns and temporary possession by the Demon of OCD.  Thank you Rozyln, William, Bill, (Bill’s brilliant wife whose name has escaped me), Dr. Cai, and everyone else who cheered for me before or during the conference!!!


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