Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine ● Longevity Nutrition

creating your life

DSC_0075 I seek to cure what’s deep inside, frightened of this thing that I’ve become.


Around 20 years ago, both the National Institute of Health and The World Health Organization released separate, independent studies concluding that genetics only plays a minor role in the development of cancer.  Most of us were completely surprised to find that environmental and lifestyle factors influenced over 80% of this outcome.  Since then, several large studies have unveiled similar statistics including the development of heart disease and diabetes.  The belief that we are mere victims to our genetic programing has given way to the realization that, with some accurate knowledge, we have incredible influence over our health as we move forward in our lives.  In science, the term that describes the accumulation outside factors upon an organism’s genes is called “phenotype” (pronounced fee-no-type).  What is your phenotype?  What do you want it to be? Of course there are things that we cannot control.  However, always remember, you have incredible influential powers to create and re-create your life and your future.

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